Momentele de vulnerabilitate sunt cele mai grave in viata unui om in devenire. Sunt clipe in care orice ne afecteaza si simtim ca nu putem face nimic asa cum trebuie. Simtim o disperare profunda, parca ceva din noi vrea sa se elibereze, sa iasa, sa strige! Ne certam cu noi insine, ne tinem morala, ne intrebam de ce am actionat in acel fel, de ce nu am facut altfel? De ce?
Raspunsul? Inca nu ne cunoastem cu adevarat, nu stim inca de ce suntem capabili si nu avem destula incredere in noi. Suntem in continuare acei copii care abia au realizat ca pot umbla, dar care in loc sa o ia incet, din cauza entuziasmului, o iau la fuga. Si noi fugim, fugim si ne impiedicam, doar ca obstacolul suntem tot noi… Ne oprim pentru ca ne pierdem increderea, capacitatea de concentrare si rabdarea… Dar de ce? (e o intrebare foarte enervanta)
E posibil sa nu avem destula motivare sau poate lipseste acel ceva care sa ne impinga de la spate…
When you struggle, ask yourself:
So… what’s your goal? Is it important? Get up on your feet! Focus on your destination and with one step at a time, slowly, go for it!
C’om on! It’s a new beginning! Every semester of college is a new beginning! Now you can prove that you can! And let me tell you a secret… there are a lot stupid people graduating every year! They struggle, but they finally do…
You don’t have to struggle! Just work a little harder and use that beautiful mind of yours!
We have everything we want… we have a loving family, a great love story, a brilliant mind and a whole world to conquer!
And if you failed it doesn’t mean you have to lose your hope…
I failed a lot in the past… people pointed fingers… but now.. I’m the invincible one!
So let me see you rise and shine!